Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Out of the Blue

I have been quilting... for some reason I just haven't been blogging.  I think this can be like a habit; and it is a habit I want.  So... what am am I sewing right now?

I love Kaffe Fasset's books and fabric... and in a not very much like me fashion, I am following his design pretty much on my current quilt.  Sadly, my current quilt is on hold since my house hasn't had power in days.
My home

 Warning, Alaska digression ahead.
This is the "Tundra Quilt Blog" so here is the tundra part of my story.  The village I live in has no running water (except in the school) but my house has the illusion of running water.  That means there is a tank of water and I can wash dishes and brush my teeth without hauling water.  I do get my drinking water at the school though.  (Today I dropped the lid off my favorite plastic jug for getting water when the wind blew it off.... oh well, another stupid human trick since I was loosening it since the jug contracts in the cold and I didn't want it to crack.  Oh well.)  Anyway, the bathroom is.. um an Incinolet.  Don't click on the link unless you really want to know.  Suffice it to say, I have had the morning where flushing the toilet involved kicking the darn thing to stop the flames that were shooting out of the bowl!  Anyway, since I am returning from Christmas break the house was so cold that the few pipes in it managed to freeze (and they are copper too).  So for a while at least, the house is only a large building I sleep in.  There are two electric cords snaked in through a cracked back porch... one to the heater and the other to the refrigerator.  6 days and counting... so no quilting at the moment.
On the walk to the school...

 But soon I will finish this happy stripey quilt.  Nine patches of tiny triangles off-set by larger triangles... I should get some solid shot cotton for the border I think (I'm thinking about it.)

Back to quilts.... a chain of triangles that form the nine patches...

Aren't these stripes beautiful?
In the end, the inconveniences are not as bad as they sound.  Friends invite me to dinner, I relax more, and I am even getting back to my blog.  My dad has been ill and the powerless home really doesn't seem like that big of a deal in the end.  I do recommend buying the flashlight ap for the iPad though.  My favorite ap as I make my way through my dark home.

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